エッセイ - 災害盗難損失控除

所得税に関する SIM エッセイ。今回は「災害損失控除(casualty and theft loss deduction) 」です。



2009年、C氏は、所有する自動車の盗難に遭った。盗難保険は掛かっておらず、公正市場価格が $7,000、調整税務簿価が $10,000 であった。この盗難損失の控除可能性について、C氏に報告しなさい。

災害盗難損失控除を規定しているのは、IRC Section 165(h)です。


You have requested that I research the deductibility of your uninsured theft loss.

Since you have lost the whole value of your car, your theft loss will evaluated as $10,000 which equals to your car's adjusted basis. Because no insurance covers the loss, this amount of $10,000 will be used as the theft loss for the purpose of calculating the theft loss deduction.

You can deduct the theft loss of $10,000 to the extent in excess of $100 plus 10% of adjusted gross income for 2009.

If you have any other questions, please contact me.


You have requested that I research the tax implication of your theft loss. In this situation, the amount of your theft loss is $7,000, which is the lesser of the fair market value or the adjusted basis of the automobile. Theft losses are deductible as itemized deductions subject to two limitations. First the loss is reduced by a $100 floor amount. Second, the remaining $6,900 loss is deductible only to the extent that it exceeds 10% of your adjusted gross income.

If you have any additional question, please contact me.

今回は回答を間違えてしまいました・・・。盗難損失額の計算が違います。Pub 547 によると、個人使用資産の災害盗難損失額は、

  • 被害を受けた資産の公正市場価格の減少分(盗難の場合は全額)
  • 調整税務簿価


最初、$100 引いて、さらに AGI の 10% を引く、という説明もさすが、模範解答は簡潔でわかりやすいです。